
In today’s constantly connected world, a new kind of volunteer has emerged: The e-volunteer

Often the most valuable skills people can offer global development organizations are not in-the-field but from the comfort of their own home. Online volunteering can take on a complete variety of roles: translation, mentoring, writing, and editing, outreach and advocacy, or even technological development. There are numerous ways to volunteer in the sector when it fits around your schedule and without travels.

E-volunteering also provides a valuable opportunity for volunteers to gain and advance their professional skills and experience and grow their network. This is particularly true for those early in their careers or looking to transition to the global development sector.


Student organizations
and clubs on campus


Public programs every


Students living in on-
campus housing

Peter Matthews

United Kingdom

“I’ve met some of my best friends through online volunteering at the Global South Institute. It was a really great way of giving back after my nanodegree in international development.”


Are you ready to use your education and skills to address social and economic challenges for underserved populations?